A French Man in Edinburgh
I have always been interested by architecture, cityscapes and photography, but I really started to take photos seriously when I got my first DSLR in 2015.
I spent my first evenings after work learning long exposures, framing, the secret of aperture, shutter speed, ISO... all in the beautiful streets of Paris!
But my photography really evolved when I left France for London in 2016. More than just learning new skills, I also met a lot of talented photographers, and understood the importance of being at the right place, at the right moment. I really believe that waking up at 2.30am to get a summer sunrise over the City of London is as much fun as you can get!
Since August 2019, I live in Edinburgh, which offers a beautiful and historical playground, as well as an unlimited source of stunning landscapes and hidden gems... And castles, of course, plenty of castles...!
My photography has turned more local since 2021 and the birth of my son, and I also now focus on nature photography (wildlife, macro, etc...) as part of it.
I hope you will enjoy looking at my photos as much as I enjoyed capturing them. And if you want to contact me (prints, collaboration, free cake), click on the link below to send me a message!